Basic SEO

The term SEO encompasses a wide variety of tactics and techniques, which can be intimidating if you're just getting started in the field. These posts take it back to basics so you can build a strong foundation of SEO knowledge.

By Debbie Arcangeles
05 Jul 2023

Create Better Content for Your Company Blog

Struggling to stand out from millions of other blogs? Learn why your company blog may not achieve the desired results and how to change that.
By Natalie Thomas
21 Feb 2023

Marketing Efforts Commonly Mistaken for SEO

The value of SEO is becoming more widely recognized in online spaces. However, with this awareness comes much misunderstanding. There are many other types of digital marketing that are sometimes conflated with SEO.
By Thomas Swisher
10 Jan 2023

LinkMiner Review: How to Easily Analyze Backlinks

LinkMiner is a chrome extension tool that helps link builders quickly and easily analyze links on a page. Read Thomas' review of LinkMiner to understand how it works.
By Cassidy Richey
28 Dec 2022

How to Analyze and Use External Sources

Like baking a cake, analyzing and using external sources can be an art. Ultimately, however, this process can be broken down into how you research your sources beforehand, analyze them in writing, and fact-check yourself afterward.
By Alex Borup
27 Dec 2022

Why Trendy Design Doesn’t Always Produce Good SEO

Both SEO and web design are important for your website’s overall success. However, there are repercussions for those who implement the two absentmindedly. Unfortunately, following design trends isn’t enough to avoid this. You must know the basics of SEO, as well.
By DeVonta Johnson
28 Nov 2022

Passive Link Earning: A Dreamy Concept but Unfeasible

You can’t position your site to earn passive links without active link building efforts. The idea that your site will earn links passively without any effort is hazardous.
By Madison Thornbury and Allie Huska
27 Sep 2022

The Importance of Website Accessibility for SEO

Website accessibility plays a key role in SEO as it makes content more engaging and useful for both users and search engine crawlers.
By Nikki Stavile
14 Sep 2022

What Cookiepocalypse Means for Digital Marketing

Google has announced that third-party cookies — a long-time internet staple and a core piece of modern digital marketing — will be going away. So what does cookiepocalypse mean for online advertising and SEO?
By Jesse Weber
26 Jul 2022

How To Tell Stories for Marketing and SEO

Brand storytelling is an important marketing strategy, but the role of storytelling in SEO is often less clear. Learning how to optimize for search while sharing your brand story can be the key to successful content marketing.
By Natalie Thomas
28 Jun 2022

Is SEO Forever?

SEO is a marketing necessity for websites seeking to increase their visibility online. But will that always be the case? An analysis of SEO’s evolution and the expected direction of the internet can give us some insight.