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As a fully remote SEO agency headquartered in Boise, Idaho, we have been creating content and building links since 2010. Our agency specializes in strategic content creation and manual link building to improve search traffic and search rankings. We develop search-focused content that drives meaningful, sustainable business results.

We work with a range of clients, from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. After 13+ years of creating thousands of pieces of content for our clients, we know a thing or two about what it takes for content to rank, and we've developed content marketing services designed to meet the unique needs of your business.


SEO Content Marketing

Organic search is the #1 driver of traffic online. With millions of new blogs published daily, you'll need SEO experts to help you cut through the noise in your content strategy.

For years, we've specialized in helping clients improve their search rankings by studying and analyzing which pages perform best. Our fully remote, U.S.-based team of writers can create strategic content designed for your audience, keywords, brand, and SEO goals. 

Are you ready to take your content strategy and organic traffic to the next level? Let's get strategic about the content you create and start winning in search today.


Why Partner With an SEO Content Marketing Agency?

Content is king, and Google’s goal is to deliver the best content for each search. To rank, you need to produce the best page on the web for your goal keyword. That’s the table stakes, and we can make sure you’re in the game.

If your goal is to create content that drives organic traffic, then you need to work with an agency that specializes in SEO. Partnering with an experienced SEO content marketing agency is essential to creating successful content that performs in search. Our agency has the knowledge and resources to craft content that attracts a relevant audience and meets Google’s standards. 

Our specialized insight helps you stay ahead of the competition. Before writing a single post, we perform robust content strategy, research, and analysis. We ensure every piece of content is designed to help you target meaningful keywords in your customer’s buyer journey.

By using data-driven strategies and creating quality content tailored to specific audiences, our SEO content marketing services can maximize the effectiveness of your SEO strategy.


Reason #1: Quality Over Quantity


Our approach to content marketing prioritizes quality over quantity. We recognize that only the finest content will rank, and as a result, we produce top-notch articles that captivate both readers and search engines. 

Our team of trusted writers thoroughly researches and crafts each piece of content, which then goes through extensive editing by our strategists, copy editors, and content managers. 

We’re not just a content provider – we're committed to achieving your goals and supporting you throughout the process. 

With our tailored content strategy and top-notch writing, readers and search engines alike will be captivated by your message. Let us help you elevate your brand to new heights with our expertly crafted SEO content marketing.


  1. First, we partner with you to devise a content strategy tailored to your company's needs. 
  2. Then, we identify topics that align with your brand and keywords. Each topic is paired with a cluster of keywords.
  3. Following your review and approval, we create strategic outlines that demonstrate how each piece of content contributes to the overall content strategy. 
  4. After the outlines are reviewed and approved by you, we'll craft complete articles.
  5. Completed articles receive a three-step internal editorial process, including copy edits, strategist review, and department manager review. 
  6. The completed article is sent to you for review and publication.

Reason #2: Strategically Designed


We create content that boosts SEO rankings and drives traffic. Our content marketing services are tailored to your needs, with strategic development of topics and keywords based on your industry and audience.

Our team of writers will conduct research on your brand, industry, content, and competitors to gain a better understanding of what content ranks well for your industry-related keywords. Based on this research, we will create topics that can support your target keywords or obtain backlinks from high-authority sites.

Furthermore, all content pieces will be strategically linked to your product pages with keyword-rich anchor text. This process sends keyword signals to Google and drives link equity to important pages on your site.

From keyword research to on-page optimization, to building backlinks, we cover all aspects of SEO content marketing. 

Reason #3: E-E-A-T Oriented


At Page One Power, every piece of content is designed to demonstrate E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness).

In order to rank in Google search results, you need to publish content that is relevant and helpful. Google considers the E-E-A-T of every piece of content and whether it meets the intent of the searcher. Our team conducts thorough research to ensure that the content we produce is valuable for both readers and search engines.

E-E-A-T means:

  1. Experience: demonstrates unique, first-hand experience on the topic. This aspect is a critical difference between human writing and generative AI writing. 
  2. Expertise: relates to the extent of knowledge demonstrated within the article. 
  3. Authority: demonstrates the content creator is known as a go-to source on the topic.
  4. Trustworthiness: shows the article’s accuracy, typically determined by considering the expertise, experience, and authority.
By partnering with us, you can unlock your brand’s potential through comprehensive SEO content marketing services tailored to reach your target audience and boost rankings.

Why SEO Content Marketing?

Your customers are searching the internet for information related to your services or products. Will they find you? 5.18 billion people use the internet, and 53% of shoppers always do research before they buy. 

Let’s make sure your content is showing up in search.  

Content marketing will build Organic Search into a channel that connects you with your audience. Your content will provide valuable information they can use to make informed decisions and win your audience’s trust in the research and decision-making process. Even better, the topical authority you build will help your product pages rank better for important head term keywords. With the right SEO content marketing strategies, your business is better equipped to reach your target audience and increase leads.

We will develop a content strategy based on your audience, products, competitors, and goals. Every keyword we identify and target will be relevant to your brand. We identify high-intent keywords and the ways your audience researches the products, services, and solutions you offer. With strategic SEO content marketing, we ensure the right people see your content and help you reach your objectives. 

Benefits of SEO Content Marketing include:

  • Boosted visibility
  • Greater customer loyalty
  • Enhanced user experience
  • Improved keyword rankings
  • Sustainable, long-term results
  • Increased organic traffic and engagement
  • Strengthened brand credibility and reputation


Partners Served
Links Earned Each Year
Onsite Assets Created
Years Of Experience
Clutch & Google Reviews

Our SEO Content Marketing Products


 The Content Strategy Report


You’d never start a road trip without a map. Likewise, we never start a campaign without a strategy. 

Our content strategy report is just that — a roadmap for your content marketing campaign. The report provides an in-depth analysis of your site’s current state, supplying valuable insights into the effectiveness of your content and suggesting how to improve it. We also take an in-depth look at your competitors. By analyzing where your website currently stands, we can create a robust content strategy that scales to support your long-term goals.

Our research of relevant keywords and competitor content will contribute to establishing your authority in your industry. Creating quality and original content is essential to achieve topical authority, which will increase your chances of ranking well in search engine results. 


  1. A strategic write-up that shows the methodology behind identifying relevant keywords. 
  2. An analysis of the top, mid, and bottom-funnel content that already exists on your site.
  3. An analysis of competitors within your space. 
  4. Recommendations to help improve your existing content.
  5. New keyword target opportunities. 
  6. New keyword-focused topic ideas for content.

We'll present all new keyword opportunities in a comprehensive report with a strategic explanation of how they align with your long-term SEO goals. These keywords will then be organized into topics that pave the way for new content with your review, feedback, and approval. 


Keyword Driven Content


Once we've identified high-intent keywords with our content strategy report, we create keyword-driven content targeting each keyword. Every piece is meticulously designed to support your target pages through strategic internal links. This helps search engines understand the subject of your content and boost visibility in the SERPs.

Keyword-driven content targets specific keywords and phrases to maximize its SEO value. It’s created with the intention of ranking for these terms in search, giving maximum visibility to your website and driving more organic traffic. By linking internally to the commercial pages on your site, we’re able to connect your product pages to the visibility of the keyword-focused content.

We understand the importance of keyword-driven content as part of an effective SEO strategy. We research topics and keywords that are related to your industry and audience, then create quality content around these topics, internally link to your commercial pages, and optimize for search. 

With our help, you'll be found.


Link-focused Content


Page One Power builds thousands of links every year that drive direct SEO results for our clients, leveraging the content we create. We know what makes content linkable.

The last time you shared a link with a friend or colleague, there was a specific reason you shared it. The page was either informative, entertaining, or supported your argument.

This same logic applies to how websites link to one another — there must be a reason to link. Years of experience building links have given us a deep understanding of what these reasons are and how to apply them to content creation.

Link-focused content is designed to attract relevant links from other websites. Our content is comprehensive, provides valuable information, and is top-of-the-funnel — all factors that help earn high-value backlinks. Our linkable content will also interlink with your mid-funnel and bottom-funnel pages, driving topical authority and link equity to the pages you need to rank to drive qualified traffic.

Our agency specializes in top-tier link-focused content that targets relevant audiences and obtains high-quality backlinks. Our team of experienced writers researches topics thoroughly and crafts articles optimized for search and designed to attract links from external websites. 

Links are vital for SEO success. Link-focused content will give your website the boost it needs to rank higher in the SERPs.

Our SEO Content Marketing Process


Meet with one of our consultants for a discovery call to discuss your SEO goals.


We'll share our custom proposal, outlining our approach and recommendations based on your needs.


After we start your campaign, you’ll be partnered with your project manager and meet for an onboarding call to discuss the execution of your content marketing campaign.


We analyze your content performance in the SERPs and conduct keyword research to build a roadmap for future content.


Our U.S.-based writers will research topics and create a content strategy report, complete with strategic write-ups that show the value of the topic to your site.


Once the topics from the content strategy report are approved by you, our team will get to work creating outlines for the approved topics.


Once the outlines are approved by your team, our professional team of writers create the articles.


Completed articles go through copy edits, content strategist review, and finally, content management review.


We send the finished articles for you to review and publish on your site.


You'll receive ongoing reporting throughout your campaign, including real-time reporting on the process and progress toward the results of your content.

testimonial video
Page One Power has facilitated over 200 placements on authoritative online publishers so far. They have an impeccable account management and result. They're always ready to jump on a call to review their progress.
Claudia Cruz Escalante, Sr Outreach Manager - Clutch Review

In a sea of questionable and spammy link building providers, Page One Power is someone that you can trust and someone that will get you good results.

Scott Eggenberger Image
Scott Eggenberger - Google Review

Thanks to Page One Power's efforts, the client has seen an improvement in Google keyword pages and gained quality links. The team has conducted regular meetings to provide progress updates and quick responses. Their transparency and extensive research are notable in the partnership.

SEO Manager, Technology Company - Clutch Review

Coming from an agency background, I can really see exactly how a good agency would retain their clients for a long time...and of course the opposite way around. The work is good, the numbers are good. They stand behind whatever they say, and the way they conduct their business is very professional.

Alex Milosh Image
Alex Milosh, SEO Manager, Atera

I have used Page One Power for many years to build high quality links for multiple web properties. They take great care of their customers and I couldn't ask for a better partner. I highly recommend.

Rand LeMarinel Image
Rand LeMarinel - Google Review

I've always found the team to be both responsive and quick to do whatever it takes to make a campaign successful. I've worked with many SEO agencies over the years but Page One Power has been the most professional and easy to deal with by far.

Charles Taylor Image
Charles Taylor

Content Marketing Services Pricing

We offer custom content marketing services tailored to your business needs. Our pricing is based on the specific services required to meet your SEO objectives. Our approach focuses on the most effective strategies, ensuring positive outcomes while staying within your budget. The amount of investment necessary will be determined by factors such as your industry, competitors, and goals. 

Our custom content marketing services include the following:

  • In-depth keyword research
  • A content strategy report
  • A dedicated project manager
  • A U.S.-based team of writers
  • Regular reporting
  • Full transparency of our process

Investing in quality content drives quality results. We are dedicated to creating content that works for your brand and goals. 

Contact us today to discuss your content marketing needs with one of our SEO consultants.


Reporting, Measurement, and Performance Analysis

We provide detailed reports throughout the campaign to measure the performance of our content marketing services. Reports are tailored to match your business’s needs and goals, keeping you up-to-date on key metrics such as organic traffic, rankings in SERPs, link building progress, and more. 

Our team of experts can help you interpret the data and adjust strategy accordingly so that you can always be sure your content is driving results. We meet regularly with you, based on your schedule, to review your campaign to track progress over time and make necessary changes. 

Every six months, we conduct a thorough review of your campaign, analyzing past progress and recommending strategies for the future. Our goal is to provide an ongoing relationship with you to become a partner for long-term success.



You need relevant, reputable links and strategic, well-written content to grow your brand. We've got 13+ years of experience doing just that for our clients, and we're ready to help you.

Vince_Ramos_Headshot (1)

Content Marketing FAQs


Our agency specializes in high-quality link building and content creation. For 13+ years, we’ve crafted search-optimized content and built links to it, effectively bringing more traffic to our clients’ sites. We aim to build high-quality content that gets ranked. If it doesn’t meet our standards first, it doesn’t leave our hands until it’s right.


Yes, we do. We’re a full-service SEO agency. Visit our SEO Services Page to learn more.


Yes, we do! Every month we build over 1,000 links manually, each of which is strategically designed to help drive vital keyword rankings for our clients. We specialize in manual, white-hat link building services. Visit our link building services page to learn more.


We provide SEO content writing services, which include keyword-driven content, linkable content, and long-form guides. Our custom content marketing service plans include keyword research, on-page optimization, content strategy reports, a dedicated project manager, and monthly reporting.


The number of articles in your campaign depends on your SEO goals. We sell a variety of content packages as well as articles a la carte. Our articles are thorough, with the explicit goal of answering the searcher's intent and ranking for their target keywords. While word count is not a ranking factor, we aim for each article to be at least 850 words.


We use paid images for our onsite content and free images for our link building articles.


Yes, all of our writers are based in the U.S.


No, at this time, we do not provide non-English content.


Yes. All campaigns come with a dedicated project manager who will oversee your project and maintain its trajectory. They will be your advocate as well as your point of contact if you wish to adjust your campaign or pivot goals. Our team of experts can join phone calls to answer questions and consult as needed.


While we do not offer formal training, our project managers will walk through the content step-by-step to ensure it meets your goals. Before publishing it on your site, we’ll ensure you understand why the content fits your site and how it is optimized for search. We also provide briefs for our client's writers to create and will consult with them through the process.


The first step to start with our content marketing services is a 30-minute discovery call with one of our SEO consultants. They will analyze your site and recommend the best content marketing services to implement as part of your SEO strategy.


Your project manager will closely monitor your project and report any progress or stalls in the campaign via a shared dashboard that clearly communicates delivery dates. You determine the cadence and frequency of video meetings; we’ll also communicate by email and report updates between meetings.


Our typical minimum monthly spend is $4,000. However, we can deliver individual pieces of content as needed without a fixed monthly spend.

Our content marketing campaigns are based on your needs, goals, and budget.


Typically we work in 6-month contracts with a 60-day opt-out period. However, this can be flexible based on your needs and budget – we’ll know more after a discovery call.


Every article is equipped with on-page optimization, keyword research, and strategic write-ups. We also include a licensed/paid stock photo/graphic for the featured image. However, in most cases, we do not offer custom graphics, interactive content, or video content.


We can! Because we work with many clients across a variety of industries, site sizes, and CMSs, we’ll need to know about your situation. This can be addressed in the discovery call with your SEO account consultant.


Our products are priced individually, typically scoped out into a full campaign. Each product is strategically paired with keyword research, on-page optimization, a dedicated project manager, and ongoing reporting.


Content marketing is phase one of a multi-phase project. SEO, in general, is a long-term investment. It is normal for content to be indexed within a couple of days of publishing. However, it takes about three to six months to see the results of a piece of content, including the keywords it ranks for and the amount of organic traffic it brings to your site.