P1P's SEO Blog

Need more links? Need better content? Then you've come to the right place! The P1P blog is an SEO blog dedicated to helping you build more relevant backlinks and create content that ranks in search through educational videos, in-depth articles, expert perspectives, and more. Subscribe today to get these SEO insights delivered straight to your inbox each month!

By MeghanCahill
18 Nov 2014

How to Generate Fresh Content Ideas -- Tutorial Tuesday

The blank stare. If you’re a writer or blogger, you know the feeling. Writer's block. When you’re in need of a new angle or a fresh perspective, one spark can trigger a bonfire of ideas.

By Cory Collins
13 Nov 2014

6 Free Must-Have Chrome Extensions for Website Analysis

The sheer number of websites SEOs look at per day must be inconceivable to the rest of the general population. Whether it’s for competitor research, link prospecting, SERP discovery, content ideation, backlink exploration, or simply following the Twitter trail deep into the net, we’re constantly examining new websites.
By Andrew Dennis
12 Nov 2014

Finding and Leveraging New Audiences for Links

Leveraging new audiences is incredibly important in online marketing. New audiences mean more exposure for your content, brand, and company. Improving brand exposure is always a marketing win, and increased exposure can also equate to more links.

By Jesse Stoler
11 Nov 2014

Potential Elements to Track During a Link Building Campaign - Tutorial Tuesday

Welcome to another edition of Tutorial Tuesday, Linkarati’s weekly series in which we highlight a certain SEO tactic, process, or tool. This week, I will be discussing the data that you should track during a link building campaign, from beginning to launch.
By MeghanCahill
06 Nov 2014

The Skinny on Thin Content and a Century’s Worth of ‘Bad Ads’

Talking about the state of ‘content marketing’ really begs the question: what’s the state of content itself?
By Cory Collins
05 Nov 2014

Strategic Content Ideation for Links

Today, I want to share a little bit of my personal experience in content planning, specifically content designed to build links, traffic, and authority.

Because as much as it’s great to say “create interesting content your audience will engage with,” that doesn't really mean anything.

By Andrew Dennis
04 Nov 2014

Finding Influencers on Google Plus - Tutorial Tuesday

Google+ is a great place to find influencers because typically these people are very active on social networks. While every niche is different and the popularity of each individual platform will vary, Google+ is big enough that it’s always worth at least looking into when searching for influencers.

By Krystian Szastok
03 Nov 2014

5 Methods to Improve Your Link Outreach Reply Rate

If you work in outreach the reply rate is probably one of your biggest hurdles. In our day and age bloggers and journalists receive so many inquiries that they don't have the time to reply to all of them - sometimes they don't even have a chance to review them all.
By Cory Collins
30 Oct 2014

6 Characteristics of Good Websites - Link Prospecting

Once you've audited enough websites you'll quickly learn what to look for when determining whether the website is authoritative, or even quality, no matter the niche, industry, purpose, product, or size of the website.

By Andrew Dennis
29 Oct 2014

Why the SEO Community Could Benefit From Matt Cutts’ Return

Although I don’t always agree with the way Cutts handles things and have often been frustrated by the ambiguity of his statements, I must say I wish he would come back to work for Google.