P1P's SEO Blog

Need more links? Need better content? Then you've come to the right place! The P1P blog is an SEO blog dedicated to helping you build more relevant backlinks and create content that ranks in search through educational videos, in-depth articles, expert perspectives, and more. Subscribe today to get these SEO insights delivered straight to your inbox each month!

By Cory Collins
19 Feb 2015

John Mueller Says to Avoid Link Building: A Link Builder's Response

On Friday, a Google employee recommended avoiding link building. But let’s not take this out of context. Here’s the full story.
By MeghanCahill
17 Feb 2015

Email Subject Line Best Practices -- Tutorial Tuesday

Remember those silly dandruff shampoo commercials from the 90’s? The ones that intoned we’d never get a second chance to make a first impression? Unlike many marketing aphorisms of the late 20th century, this statement still rings true. Particularly for email subject lines.
By Tom Demers
16 Feb 2015

“Quadruple Win” Guest Posting: How to Add Value Like Ramit Sethi

Tom Demers details how to maximize value in your guest blogging to maximize your promotional opportunities and increase the likelihood of shares and links.
By Andrew Dennis
12 Feb 2015

Applying Relationship Marketing to Link Building Outreach

Building relationships is fundamental to online marketing. This remains true even in a niche practice such as link building. You greatly increase your chances of success if you build relationships with people before you contact them about a link.
By Nicholas Chimonas
11 Feb 2015

Format & Filter Keyword Ranking Data for Human Readability - Tutorial Tuesday

Welcome to what I hope is an early spring edition of Tutorial Tuesday. In today’s tutorial you will learn how to filter out the noise from large sets of keyword ranking data, and identify meaningful takeaways to help inform your link building & SEO strategy.
By Andrew Dennis
03 Feb 2015

Using Canva to Create High-Quality Images for Blog Posts – Tutorial Tuesday

In this Tutorial Tuesday I want to explain how you can use the tool Canva to create high-quality and customized imagery for your blog posts. Regardless of what topic you’re writing about, adding visual elements to any blog post will make it stronger and more engaging. And Canva provides an excellent platform to create images that will elevate your content to the next level.

By Cory Collins
03 Feb 2015

Linkarati Webinar - February 24th

Linkarati will be hosting their second ever link building webinar February 24th, exclusively answering audience questions.
By Jesse Stoler
27 Jan 2015

Using Forums to Build Links, Authority, and Engagement - Tutorial Tuesday

A forum link has potential to send decent, qualified referral traffic your way. But more importantly, building a forum link still leads to exposure to a niche audience. Forum link building will also compel you to spend time interacting and engaging with users interested in your niche. It’s relationship building

By Cory Collins
22 Jan 2015

Guest Blogging and Matt Cutts: One Year Later

It’s been a year and a day since Matt Cutts infamously called an end to guest blogging (for SEO). So where are we at now? Is guest blogging over, done, kaput? In a word: no.
By MeghanCahill
20 Jan 2015

Assessing a New Client's Website for Link Building -- Tutorial Tuesday

There are fundamental steps for familiarizing yourself with a new client, but the link builder’s assessment can be boiled down to four essentials: who they are, what they do, what they have and what they need.