P1P's SEO Blog

Need more links? Need better content? Then you've come to the right place! The P1P blog is an SEO blog dedicated to helping you build more relevant backlinks and create content that ranks in search through educational videos, in-depth articles, expert perspectives, and more. Subscribe today to get these SEO insights delivered straight to your inbox each month!

By Razvan Gavrilas
30 Nov 2015

3 Great Ideas on How to Convert (Unlinked) Brand Mentions into Links

Razvan Gavrilas explains how to find and leverage unlinked brand mentions to drive your link building and overall marketing strategy.
By Kate Smith
24 Nov 2015

Thanksgiving 2015: What We're #SEOGrateful For

Happy Thanksgiving 2015! Here's what the SEO community is thankful for this year.
By Jayson DeMers
24 Nov 2015

Are Infographics Still Valuable in SEO & Online Marketing?

Are Infographics still valuable in online marketing? Can infographics still effortlessly net shares and links? Jayson DeMers' shares his valuable insight and research here.
By Matt Banner
17 Nov 2015

How To Track Your Content Marketing Campaign

Content marketing campaigns require strategic, intentional effort to achieve goals and KPIs. If you're struggling to justify your content marketing, check this post for tips on setting and tracking goals.
By Kate Smith
03 Nov 2015

Quick On-Page SEO Analysis with Varvy’s Tool Suite —Tutorial Tuesday

If you need to quickly analyze a new client's on-page SEO, Varvy's SEO toolset is a great place to start. This tutorial will show you how and why.
By Steven Peters
02 Nov 2015

Are You A Lazy Content Curator? 5 Methods To Empower Curated Content

Steven Peters covers five methods to improve curated content, ensuring audience value, interest, and content visibility.
By Andrew Dennis
30 Oct 2015

Google's RankBrain Algorithm: What, How and Why?

On Monday Bloomberg Business broke the story of RankBrain, a new algorithm, which Google claims is already the third most important ranking signal in search. RankBrain affects a significant amount of search queries, roughly 15 percent of all searches in Google.
By Micha Boettiger
26 Oct 2015

Link Building Doesn’t Happen in a Vacuum

Building links isn't a complete solution for all digital marketing. You need a strategic, integrated approach to online marketing. Without support, link building will be ineffective and difficult.
By Cory Collins
21 Oct 2015

Link Strategy: Preparing for Outreach - LinkaratiLive with Jeremy Rivera

A recap of our webinar with Jeremy Rivera, where we discussed the details of preparing an outreach strategy for a link campaign, and the various research elements involved.
By Ryan Stewart
19 Oct 2015

How to Earn a Pile of White-Hat Backlinks from Speaking Gigs

In this post Ryan Stewart covers how to get more marketing value out of speaking events by securing quality backlinks through engagement and documenting your presentation.