P1P's SEO Blog

Need more links? Need better content? Then you've come to the right place! The P1P blog is an SEO blog dedicated to helping you build more relevant backlinks and create content that ranks in search through educational videos, in-depth articles, expert perspectives, and more. Subscribe today to get these SEO insights delivered straight to your inbox each month!

By Andrew Dennis
03 Jul 2014

Google Authorship Changes and CTR: Influencer Opinion

Google recently removed Authorship photos from the SERPs. Why did they do this and what has the general reaction been within the SEO community?
By Cory Collins
02 Jul 2014

Determining Relevance in Link Building

Take a look at how to determine relevance within link building, and why it matters.
By Andrew Dennis
01 Jul 2014

Setting Up a Google+ Local Page for Businesses - Tutorial Tuesday

In this Tutorial Tuesday we will provide a step by step walkthrough of how to create and verify a Google+ Local page for a business.
By Andrew Dennis
26 Jun 2014

5 Questions to Ensure Link Quality Before Building a Link

Determining link quality be difficult. Here are 5 simple questions to ask yourself to ensure link quality before building a link.
By Cory Collins
25 Jun 2014

Link Building: Matt Cutts and I Agree

Check out what a professed link builder and Matt Cutts, head of Webspam at Google, agree about when it comes to links.
By Jesse Stoler
24 Jun 2014

Tutorial Tuesday: Using Broken Link Finders - Comparing Three Different Tools

For this edition of Tutorial Tuesday, we explain how to use three different broken link finders.
By KeyurLalani
23 Jun 2014

Broken Link Building Cheat Sheet for Beginners

Many people are still not clear about what broken link building actually is, so they're not getting the results they expect from this tactic.
By Andrew Dennis
19 Jun 2014

Why Online Marketing Includes Link Building

Online marketing is essential with today's online culture. While most marketers know this, many forget a crucial aspect of online marketing - link building.
By Jesse Stoler
18 Jun 2014

Goals for Link Building

Goals aren't just important in soccer. It's important to set goals in a link building campaign as well.
By Nicholas Chimonas
17 Jun 2014

Discover Easy Link Opportunities Via BuzzSumo | Tutorial Tuesday

In this edition of Tutorial Tuesday, Nicholas Chimonas explains the benefits of using BuzzSumo for a link building campaign.