Keyword Research

Understanding how your audience searches online is essential to building the types of pages they want, and this takes keyword research. These posts will give you the tools necessary to identify the terms and phrases that are important to your customers.

By Vince Nero
21 May 2019

The Power of Link Intent

You've heard of sharable content. What about linkable content? Vince Nero explains how to create content that earns links with ease.
By Joe Oliver
15 Apr 2019

Taking an SEO Road Trip: Part One

Editor-in-Chief Joe Oliver explains what you'll need to prepare for your journey towards optimization in this post on basic SEO essentials.
By Tania Lobo
28 Mar 2019

Search in China: An Introduction to Baidu

Tania Lobo explains the basics of Chinese search habits, web optimization and keyword research.
By Peter Buffington
18 Sep 2018

The Real Gold: Learning from On-Site Search Data

Get ahold of some customer research gold: your website's on-site search function can reveal what visitors are really want from your website.
By Olga Andrienko
10 Sep 2018

Crafting Content Magic: Applying Keyword Research to Content Marketing

SEMrush's Olga Andrienko explains the role of keyword research in content marketing. Learn to create content for your audience and draw them to your site.

Rethinking Conventional Keyword Research

Ahref's Tim Soulo explains why search volume metrics can limit your understanding of the traffic potential for targeting a given keyword.
By Russ Jones
20 Aug 2018

Keyword Difficulty in a Post-RankBrain World

Exactly how hard is it to rank for a certain keyword? Russ Jones explains why this question can be difficult to answer, and how to get closer to the truth.
By Matt Vazquez
15 Aug 2018

Why Thinking Like Your Customers Is Important for Keyword Research

To reach your customers on the web, you have to understand how they think. Matt Vazquez explains how to connect with customers for better keyword research.
By Cory Collins
19 Jul 2018

Keyword Research to Increase Traffic Using SEMrush

This basic keyword research tutorial walks readers through the process of identifying keyword opportunities that drive traffic, using the tool SEMrush.
By Inna Yatsyna
02 Jul 2018

Improve Your Site with Competitive Analysis

Analyzing competitors empowers you to learn from their mistakes and allocate your budget wisely. Regular analytical work gives you an understanding of how your competitors think, and positions you to counter their tactics. Competitive analysis is particularly important for SEO success.