By Andrew Dennis
28 May 2014

Our Curated Guide to Outreach

SEO Strategy


My name is Andrew Dennis and I'm a contributing author here at Linkarati. We at Linkarati are happy to announce that we have put together another curated resource guide for our readers. This time, we have compiled a comprehensive guide to outreach.

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After receiving a great response to our building links without content guide, we decided to create another curated resource pertaining to outreach.

Outreach is one of the most critical aspects of a link building campaign and can really make or break a project. Without efficient and effective outreach, your campaign will never even get off the ground. So much of link building is about building relationships and the way you build those relationships is through well crafted outreach.

When people think of outreach, most likely they think of sending out a large number of emails to various link prospects. While this may seem simple and straight forward, there is actually quite a bit more to the outreach process. For example, many times the most successful outreach isn't done via email at all.

There are a wide variety of strategies, philosophies, tools, best practices, etc. that can help your outreach be more efficient and hopefully by reading this guide you will become more familiar with them. If you have any comments, questions, or feedback please don't hesitate to let us know as we would love to hear from you.

Go here to check out our resource now.

Andrew Dennis

Andrew Dennis is a Content Marketing Manager at Shopify. Andrew is an alumnus of the University of Idaho and consequently a lifelong Vandals fan. You can connect with Andrew on Twitter or LinkedIn.